Tuesday, September 29, 2009


有时候常在想 自己究竟在每天的生活中学到了什么
日子似乎就是这样一天一天地过 无论是忙着地过 闲着地过 开心地过 忧虑地过
时间就是这样一分一秒地流了过去 怎么也追不回来 或许这就是所谓的岁月不饶人吧

纵然人生不能时常往后看 可我却喜欢时常回首一些往事 一些已经发生的事
当然 我不是活在过去 而是盼望每一次的回首都能对我自己的人生有不同的领悟

人呀 当你活在二十岁的时候 就会觉得自己十岁的时候是多么的无知
当你活在三十岁的时候 就会觉得自己二十岁的时候是多么的无知 十岁的时候更无知
当你活在四十岁的时候 就会觉得自己三十岁的时候是多么的无知 二十岁的时候更无知 十岁的时候更更无知...

无论如何地想 总是会觉得那时的自己好笨 为何要浪费机会 为何要做下这个选择 为何要争取 为何要放弃
心里就会冒起这样的念头 “早知道就...” “如果时间能重来 我一定会...”
呵呵 当然这不是件奇怪的事 说这样的话也不表示愚蠢 只是或许是人们的一种感慨
当然 我一直都相信 选择并无对与错 重要的是无论做了什么选择 之后的路我应该怎么走 努力地走

可是“对”与“错” 又有谁能知道呢 当然这不涵盖一些普遍上大家都能分辨对与错的事情

积极的人却很庆幸自己当初做下“错”的选择 因为因着这选择而有了一段经历 一段故事 一种领悟 一种学习

当然 很多时候自己都会处在消极的情况下 但冷静了之后想一想 还真的要很感谢“失败”
因为“失败”让我得到成长 “失败”磨练了我的斗志 锻炼了我的耐性 塑造了我的思想
低潮期在于人生中总是无可避免 学习如何走出方为重要之事吧
心中总是不能缺乏两样最重要的东西 “心情转换机” “思想转换站”
少了这两样宝贝 或许我就不再是今天的我了吧 呵呵

凡走过他必留下痕迹 该做的是如何给后辈甚至小辈一些建设性的意见 而不是说些风凉话吧
这样的做法总让人们觉得很愚蠢 因为我们也走过后辈们所走的路 而我们在走的当时不也是跟后辈们一样吗

每一段路都是种领悟 这样的领悟对有些人来说代价太大 有些人觉得聆听别人的分享也就能有同样的领悟
可我觉得很多宝贵的经验 如果没有自己身陷其境 是不能感同身受的

纵然路上布满荆棘 崎岖不平
我相信经过跌跌撞撞 翻翻滚滚
当你再回首一看的时候 自己却已经缔造了一条属于自己的路 建立一个属于自己的道了..加油~"~

Thursday, September 3, 2009


夜深了 不改迟睡个性的我 总是在这个宁静的时刻 想念了这世界唯一的你

脑海里不断浮现出好多永远也忘不掉 偶尔想想嘴角也都会微微上扬的回忆


惊讶 好奇 努力 认识 照顾 关心 体贴 温柔 乖巧 甜蜜

欣赏 好感 喜欢 暗恋 教导 叮咛 分享 期待 担心 紧张

心碎 无力 拥抱 疼爱 落空 自愿 等待 错过 遗憾 伤心 等等..

好多好多好多的感觉堆积在我的胸口 终究压抑掩盖收藏反锁这些感觉

因为有你 我好多的第一次就这样发生了

第一次 对你产生好奇心
第一次 主动想要认识你
第一次 想要一直听你说话
第一次 在游戏的时候想要保护你
第一次 想要让你看到我的好
第一次 只想要对你一个女生好
第一次 听到你称赞我的风度
第一次 想要好好地守护着你
第一次 看到你听我弹琴时的享受
第一次 看到你淘气的表情
第一次 了解及接受你的短处
第一次 等待你乘学校巴士放学回家
第一次 故意经过你家只为了能偷偷看你一眼
第一次 跟你聊电话
第一次 听你分享你的生活点滴
第一次 听到你为我加油
第一次 收到你为我做的生日卡 到现在还好好的收着呢 呵呵..
第一次 在情人节送你玫瑰花+巧克力+爱心卡片
第一次 在你家和你家人一起吃饭
第一次 发觉你的可爱和你的认真与执著
第一次 只想要对你一个女生好
第一次 彼此用心地分享着
第一次 让我不想要再去认识其他的女生
第一次 幻想着你我拍拖时的甜蜜以及携手共谱的将来
第一次 为你做的第一份生日礼物
第一次 知道你有男朋友却依然默默地在你身旁守护着支持着你
第一次 伤心落泪因为自己看到了事实
第一次 向你说出对你的喜欢 虽然没拒绝但我知道也不会接受
第一次 在离开哥打到吉隆坡读大学之前你对我的叮咛
第一次 看到你头发流长的样子 还是短头发比较正耶 嘻嘻
第一次 隔了一年多后在听到你的消息 你的声音 看到更加成长了的你
第一次 没有后悔在生命里遇见了你 欣赏了你 喜欢了你 爱上了你..

好多好多好多的第一次 怎么都写不完呢 呵呵

现在的你 想必一定过得很好吧

有个温暖的家庭 疼爱自己的男朋友 关心自己的好朋友

之前就一直这么希望 这么地祷告着

而如今依然还是这么地希望 上帝能把在我身上的祝福与恩典都给你

平安 健康 智慧 相处 才能 幸福 喜乐 通通都加在你身上

知道你过得好 过得幸福 过得喜乐 过得健康 过得平安


哈 想起你的时候 还是会有鼻酸和鸡皮疙瘩的感觉呢






好想再次看到你那傻呼呼的笑容 嘻嘻


Wednesday, March 18, 2009














Friday, March 13, 2009











"滴答..滴答.." 鲜血一滴一滴地滴进瓦罐中,四周安静无声..墙壁这边的犯人听着自己的血滴进瓦罐中的声音,一会儿就感觉像是过了一个世纪那么长..他觉得全身的血液都在朝着手臂涌去,像瀑布一样,越来越快地流向地上的瓦罐..







Thursday, March 12, 2009






Wednesday, March 11, 2009






As the pendulum starts to turn, the time is reaching and another countdown is starting..

Watching sunrise; watching sunset; simple but yet full with happiness..Cheers~

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nasi Kandar..


Nasi Kandar, a popular northern Malaysian dish, is an original meal that originated from Penang. It literally means "rice on the shoulder". From as early as the la19th century, coolies who worked at the port of Penang basically survived on nasi kandar for their lunch. Nasi Kandar has come a long way since. The name has been remained and today the word “Nasi Kandar” is seen on most Tamil Muslim or "Malaysian Mamak" restaurants and Indian-Muslim stall meals. As one of Penang most famous food, we can now find it everywhere around Malaysia. It is no longer plain white rice with a single curry dish but now at a typical restaurant, there are a lot of variety of curry and types of food that being served. Patrons can choose a variety of side dishes that may include curry fish, curry beef, curry chicken, roasted chicken, boiled egg, kacang bendi (lady's fingers/okra), sotong (squid), terong (brinjal/aubergine/egg plant), and fish roe.


Table 1: Nutritional Composition of Nasi Kandar

(NAL, 2009)

• 42% of total energy required daily
• 16.1% of total carbohydrate required daily
• 104.6% of total protein required daily
• 64% of total fat required daily

Total calorie break down for:
1. Carbohydrate: 69.9g x 4 kcal/g = 279.6 kcal
2. Protein: 54.4g x 4 kcal/g = 217.6 kcal
3. Fat: 37.1g x 9 kcal/g = 336.9 kcal


Carbohydrate Metabolism

The main source of carbohydrate in Nasi Kandar comes from rice. Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms and they are classified as monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides by depending on the number of sugar units that they contain. Carbohydrate metabolism begins with glycolysis, which releases energy from glucose or glycogen to form two molecules of pyruvate in which the pyruvates enter the Krebs cycle, an oxygen-requiring process, through which they are completely oxidized. Before the Krebs cycle can begin, pyruvate loses a carbon dioxide group to form acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA). This reaction is irreversible and has important metabolic consequences. The conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA requires the B vitamins. The hydrogen in carbohydrate is carried to the electron transport chain, where the energy is conserved in ATP molecules. Metabolism of one molecule of glucose yields 31 molecules of ATP. The energy released from ATP through hydrolysis can then be used for biological work. In the liver and muscles, most of the glucose is changed into glycogen by the process of glycogenesis. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles until it is needed when glucose levels are low. If blood glucose levels are low, then epinephrine and glucagon hormones are secreted to stimulate the conversion of glycogen to glucose. This process is called glycogenolysis. (Gita Patel, 2008)

Protein Metabolism

The major source of protein in Nasi Kandar comes from fried chicken and fried squids as seafood is high in protein too. Proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and other atoms such as sulphur. Protein is digested and broken down into amino acids. If amino acids are in excess of the body's biological requirements, they are metabolized to glycogen or fat and subsequently used for energy metabolism. If amino acids are to be used for energy, their carbon skeletons are converted to acetyl-CoA, in which the acetyl-CoA enters the Krebs cycle for oxidation, producing ATP. The final products of protein catabolism include carbon dioxide, water, ATP, urea, and ammonia. Transamination reaction is the reactions that transfer the nitrogen from one keto acid to another keto acid. It converts L-glutamate to form ammonia which is used for the synthesis of urea. Urea is transferred through the blood to the kidneys and excreted in the urine. (Gita Patel, 2008)

Fat Metabolism

The major source of fat in Nasi Kandar comes from fried chicken. Fats contain mostly carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The three main forms of fat that found in food are triglyceride, the phospholipids, and the sterols. Triglyceride is the form in which the fat is stored for fuel and sterol is commonly referred to cholesterol. The main pathways of fat metabolism are lipolysis, beta-oxidation, ketosis, and lipogenesis. Lipolysis and beta-oxidation occurs in the mitochondria. It is a process in which two carbon atoms are removed from the fatty acid per cycle in the form of acetyl-CoA. The acetyl-CoA will then proceeds through the Krebs cycle to produce ATP, CO2, and water. Ketosis occurs when the rate of formation of ketones by the liver is greater than the ability of tissues to oxidize them. It occurs when large amounts of fat are eaten in the absence of carbohydrate. Lipogenesis occurs in cytosol. It is a process in which the fatty acids are derived from the hydrolysis of fat as well as from the synthesis of acetyl-CoA through the oxidation of fats, glucose, and some amino acids. (Gita Patel, 2008)


In nasi kandar, rice is for the ingestion of a large number of carbohydrates among those ingredients and there is around 76.1% carbohydrate are come from the rice. The function of carbohydrates is to provide energy for the body, especially the brain and the nervous system. Sugars and starch act as the perfect fuel that enable us to carry out our physical activities efficiently and effectively for instant energy generation. It is an excellent source of energy for the many different activities going on in our cells. In fact, carbohydrate is one among the three prominent macronutrients that serve as excellent energy providers, the other two are fats and proteins. Carbohydrate foods are low in calories and high in fiber. (Emory University, 2008) Fiber can keep our bowel function going smooth, because it increases the number of bowel movements per day and improves the ease with which a stool is passed. Besides, fiber can help in weight control, diabetes, and prevent heart disease. (Marks, J.W., 2009)

Rich protein foods in nasi kandar are fried chicken and fried squid. Protein can act as antibodies which involve in defending the body from antigens, a contractile protein which involve in muscle contraction and movement, and an enzyme that facilitate biochemical reactions. Moreover, it is for growth and repair of body tissue of the body. (Wikipedia, 2009)

Fried chicken is the main ingredient which provides the fat in nasi kandar and it is around 59.8% of the total fat. Fats are a compound known as lipids. It provides the most important reservoir of stored energy as adipose tissue. In addition, fats also function as the transportation and use of vitamins A, D, E, K, and for other substances which are fat soluble. Those vitamins would not be able to function if without fat in the diet. The other functions of fats include protection for the vital internal organs, prevent loss of body heat, provide the covering for nerves, production of hormones to regulate and initiate body activities. (Dr. Gruber, B., 2002)


If we assume that a female eat 3 meals per day, then the amount of the total energy, carbohydrate, protein and fat should be divided into 3 (33.3%) from the Recommended Nutrient Intakes (Table 2). The Recommended Nutrient Intakes per meal for Female is recorded on Table 3.

From the table 1, we can know that the total energy, protein and fat are more than the Recommended Nutrient Intakes per meal for Female on Table 3, especially the protein consumption, because it is already more than a requirement of RNI daily for protein by eating one meal only. If we eat one meal then can get the whole day protein, we will get the protein toxicity easily because we are impossible to eat a meal without protein. The reason is because every food must contain protein whether it is contain more or less only. Protein toxicity will result to the kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease and long term untreated high blood pressure. (Wikipedia, 2008)

Therefore, we must modify nasi kandar in order to let the human being get maximum benefits and try to reduce the adverse effects of nasi kandar. Actually we can evaluate that nasi kandar is harmful to human being if we didn’t modify it. Table 1 showed that the total carbohydrate per meal is lower and the others are higher. Hence, we should try to lower the total energy, protein and fat. On the other hand, make the total carbohydrate higher. The rice and okra will be no change at all. We can choose boiled egg to eat rather than choose fried egg. The reason is because the energy, protein and fat are much higher in fried egg than boiled egg. Our purpose to modify nasi kandar is to lower these three things and let carbohydrate intake become higher. Boiled egg is totally suitable for our modification.

Apart of the selection of egg, the most important ingredient is chicken. Which part of the chicken should we choose? We can refer to the nutrient database according to NAL, 2009 and those values are recorded on Table 5. In fact, the chicken breast is the best part for us to choose because it is low in energy, carbohydrate, and fat while high in protein. Unfortunately, it is a bad choice for us to choose if we add into the side dishes of nasi kandar, because we need to make carbohydrate higher and protein lower. The protein inside chicken breast is too high, we will get protein toxicity faster. So, this is testing our experience. According to my experience and knowledge, I think chicken thigh is the best part for us to eat with nasi kandar. I do not choose chicken wing because the energy and fat content are too high. I only can choose between chicken thigh and chicken drumstick. These two parts, the energy, protein and fat are almost the same, not different very much. Therefore, the main point is the carbohydrate. Ladies and gentleman, you all still remember the carbohydrate intake for nasi kandar should be lower or higher? Yes, the answer is higher for carbohydrate. So, ladies and gentleman, which parts should we choose between chicken thigh and chicken drumstick? Yes, of course chicken thigh, because it got a higher carbohydrate.

Fried squid is a type of seafood, normally seafood is contains a high energy and protein. For the modification of nasi kandar, I am strongly disagreed the consumer choose fried squid as side dishes and I hope consumer can choose cabbage to replace fried squid. The fried foods are consider as unhealthy foods, the chicken is fried already then we do not choose second fried foods is a better decision, we cannot ignore our healthy and eat whatever we like to eat, we must consider the nutritional composition and follow the food guide pyramid. According to the food guide pyramid, there are more servings we should eat at vegetable group than meat group per day. Hence, we should choose another vegetable to eat, and I suggest cabbage replace fried squid because cabbage contains no fat, low in energy and protein.

The last thing we can modify for nasi kandar is the curry. Generally, the cooker will use coconut cream to cook the curry. In compare, coconut milk is better than coconut cream. Although they two got saturated fat, but coconut cream contains much more saturated fat than coconut milk. After modification, all prominent macronutrients and energy are improved. The total energy, protein and fat are decrease; total carbohydrate is increase. Even though the total protein required still high but the important thing is it got improve already. Although we cannot modify it become the best, but it is the maximum benefit and we reduce the adverse effects already. The nutritional composition of modified nasi kandar is recorded in Table 4.


A healthy life is come from the healthy diet every day. We must always make healthy food choices and take care about our healthy lifestyle. In conclusion, nasi kandar became a healthier food after modified it, so I hope everyone can take my advice and choose the side dishes which I suggested and modified.



Figure 1: Relationship between carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.

Sources from: http://www.elmhurst.edu/~chm/vchembook/600glycolysis.html

Table 2: Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Male and Female

(NAL, 2009)

Table 3: Recommended Nutrient Intakes per meal for Female

(NAL, 2009)

Table 4: Nutritional Composition of Modified Nasi Kandar

(NAL, 2009)

• 29.6% of total energy required daily
• 17.4% of total carbohydrate required daily
• 67.9% of total protein required daily
• 28.8% of total fat required daily

Table 5: Nutrient database of some parts of Chicken

(NAL, 2009)

Chin Kai Shien 1000715766
Samuel Lim Chin Hau 1000716154

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
























